Scam of the Week: Coronavirus Phishing Attacks

The global threat of the coronavirus has everyone’s attention, and the cybercriminals are already taking advantage of it. The bad guys are using the coronavirus as clickbait so they can spread malware and steal your personal information.They’ve crafted their phishing emails to look like they’re coming from health officials such as doctors or national agencies, such as the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Some of these emails suggest clicking a link to view information about “new coronavirus cases around your city”. Other emails suggest downloading the attached PDF file to “learn about safety measures you can take against spreading the virus”. Don’t fall for it! If you click the phishing link, you’re brought to a webpage that is designed to steal your personal information. If you download the PDF file, your computer will be infected with malware.Always remember: Never click on a link or download an attachment that you weren’t expecting. Because of the alarming subject matter, the bad guys expect you to click or download without thinking. STAY ALERT! Don’t be a victim.Stop, Look, and Think. Don't be fooled.


This Week in Breach: Tampa Bay Times


Scam of the Week: Goodbye Windows 7, Hello Social Engineering Scams