Scam of the Week: Fake Financial File Phishing

Scam of the Week: Fake Financial File Phishing

In a recent phishing email scam, cybercriminals use vague financial terms that attempt to make you curious enough to click the attachment in the email. The subject of the email is “Remittance Summary,” and the malicious attachment is named “Payment Advice.” The body of the email only says, “Find attached payment advice for remittance.. Kindly revert.” The sender of the email appears to be legitimate, but it is actually sent from a fake sender address. If you download the PDF file, the malware will begin installing on your computer.

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Top Tax Scams Every Business Owner Needs To Watch Out For In 2024
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Top Tax Scams Every Business Owner Needs To Watch Out For In 2024

Tax season is around the corner, which means so are tax scams. Without fail, every year, individuals and business owners alike fall victim to tax scams, resulting in the loss of substantial amounts of money and sensitive personal data. According to the Better Business Bureau, taxpayers lost $5.7 billion due to tax scams and fraud in 2022 alone. In today’s article, you’ll discover the top scams you need to be on the lookout for to reduce your chances of becoming these scammers’ next victim.

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Scam of the Week: Leave a Message After the Phish

Scam of the Week: Leave a Message After the Phish

It’s no secret that cybercriminals are using AI technology to craft phishing emails, but did you know AI can also help them with voice phishing (vishing)? It’s surprisingly easy to teach AI software to sound like a specific person. All they need to recreate your voice is a short audio clip, like one from a recorded phone call or a video posted to social media. Once the cybercriminals have your voice, they can easily target friends, family members, and coworkers with AI-powered vishing.

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6 Common Technology Problems Small Business Owners Face
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6 Common Technology Problems Small Business Owners Face

Technology can provide a strategic advantage for companies in every industry when properly utilized. However, one of the biggest issues small business owners face is overcoming some of the common tech obstacles that hinder productivity. These issues can range from minor inconveniences to serious threats that can permanently shut down a business.

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Scam of the Week: Tax Attacks

Scam of the Week: Tax Attacks

Millions of people around the world are paying their taxes this time of year, and cybercriminals are hoping to get paid, too. In this week’s scam, they’re taking advantage of tax season by trying to trick you into opening an email and downloading a malicious PDF attachment. The email they send looks like a government form and includes a link to download the PDF attachment. The scammers even include helpful instructions for pasting the web page URL into your browser in case the link isn’t working.

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Scam of the Week: Phony Utility Ads

Scam of the Week: Phony Utility Ads

Search engines, like Google, are so popular that many people use the search feature instead of typing a URL. For instance, people may quickly search for their electricity provider's name to find the online payment portal. And for this week's scam, that's exactly what cybercriminals want you to do. This scam tries to trick you into clicking on a fake ad instead of the billing portal that you’re trying to find. The scammers purchase a variety of fake utility payment advertisements, and you see those ads during your searches. They know that they can trick you more easily if you contact them instead of them reaching out to you.

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Scam of the Week: Deepfake Deception

Scam of the Week: Deepfake Deception

AI scams are becoming more frequent, and they’re also becoming more sophisticated. In a recent scam, cybercriminals demonstrated just how convincing AI fraud can be by faking an entire video call. In fact, the scammers were able to steal over 200 million Hong Kong dollars by emailing an employee and pretending to be their organization’s Chief Financial Officer (CFO).

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How “Cheaper” IT Providers Sneak In Expensive Hidden Costs
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How “Cheaper” IT Providers Sneak In Expensive Hidden Costs

Is your company looking to hire an IT firm? Unfortunately, unless you’re tech-savvy or experienced with IT contracts, there can be hidden costs that you wouldn’t expect or know to look for. While it can sound appealing to go for the cheapest firm, that decision can end up costing you more in the long run due to carve-outs and hidden fees in the contract. Cheaper IT firms will omit certain services from the original agreement and later nickel-and-dime you to add them on or by quoting you inadequate solutions that you’ll later need to pay to upgrade.

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Beware Of Cybersquatters!
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Beware Of Cybersquatters!

Have you ever searched for a specific website but landed on a completely different one after misspelling a letter or two in the URL? This deceptive tactic is known as cybersquatting. This practice not only jeopardizes the online presence of businesses and individuals but also poses a significant challenge in the ever-evolving landscape of cyber security. The scariest part is that you can be a victim of a cybersquatted domain and not even realize it.

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Your 15-Step IT Profitability Road Map For 2024
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Your 15-Step IT Profitability Road Map For 2024

If you’re hoping to cut costs and boost profitability in 2024 without compromising productivity or efficiency, assessing the technology you use in day-to-day operations is one of the first areas in your business to examine.

We’ve created a road map that you can use to go step-by-step through your organization to determine if and where you can be saving money or utilizing new or better technology to improve operational efficiency.

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Scam of the Week: Ransoming Businesses Is a Successful Business

Scam of the Week: Ransoming Businesses Is a Successful Business

On Christmas Eve, cybercriminals targeted three hospitals in Germany using Lockbit 3.0 ransomware. Ransomware is a type of malicious software that infects computers and networks. It holds data and other sensitive information “hostage” in exchange for payment. If you refuse to meet their payment demands, the cybercriminals could destroy the files. Or they could make them available to the public, resulting in data theft and leaks of sensitive information.

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