What You Need To Consider When Developing A Strategy To Manage IT

Insights From ORAM Corporate Advisors

Bookmark this page to learn more about technology for business.Technology has become an essential part of our lives – and our businesses. It’s as critical for running an effective organization as any other utility. Among other things, we use technology to track sales, manage projects and distribution, and stay connected with customers.Business man at the office with a laptopThat’s why small and mid-sized businesses – including those that don’t consider themselves particularly dependent on tech – would benefit from a well thought out IT strategy. Staying on top of recent innovations can give owners and management an advantage in the (digital) market place. At the very least, solid IT support and technology management will protect them from data loss, security issues and the headaches of malware and spam.For those reasons (and so many more), it’s important to stay aware of how technology is impacting your industry, and what the options and potential benefits are for your business. You can get started by taking a simple, three-step approach to developing a tech strategy.1) Take a little time to learn more about available IT resources. Is there a better way to manage your email? Cut costs with telephone services provided over the Internet? Filters to protect your data and block out malware? In each of these cases, the answer could very easily be ‘yes.’ You owe it to yourself to check for solutions that will cut costs and increase your productivity.2) Assess the needs of your business and make a list of priorities. Maybe you need to maximize the speed of your Internet connection to improve productivity. Or, what if you could use email management and filtering services to keep compliance with company policies? Perhaps you need to upgrade your hardware or software systems, or implement a network monitoring structure. Many business owners find they will need ongoing tech support as a resource. Whatever the situation, you can find a scalable solution that will fit into a budget if you set some priorities.3) Determine how you’ll manage your tech system. Every smart business owner and manager knows that there could come a time when it could be necessary to hire a dedicated IT person, increase staff, or just outsource for tech resources as your business grows. As you’re setting priorities, it’s a good time to decide if you’ve outgrown your current system, or just need outside consulting to update your process.If you need help with any of the above steps, it’s always a good idea to get in touch with an IT service provider to determine your needs, and help you to work out a complete strategy that makes sense for your organization. At Oram Corporate Advisors, we’re available at every step in this process to work with you to help find the best solutions. We invite you to visit us online, through our social media sites, or by phone to discuss your options.


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