What are your top strategic priorities for Big Data?

Data science, smart data, predictive analytics and big data: These are some of the buzzwords in the digital world you do business in. They’re trending now because they’re important for the future success of your business. Data and technology are driving innovation and you don’t want to get left behind.So what are your top priorities for data usage this year?39447742_SAccording to a CompTIA Survey of IT business professionals in the US, the following are their top 3 strategic priorities for improving data usage in their business. We’ve added an example of a use case for each item. Check ‘em out and let us know how we can help make these your top priorities, too!

  1. Better/faster business decisions: In August, Harvard Business Review published an article about the impact of big data on decision making, specifically how big data has modified the RACI decision rights. More organizations are turning to data to drive decisions, which changes who’s responsible, accountable, consulted and informed.
  2. Reducing costs/overhead: In an article from Healthcare IT News, the argument states that one reason for high healthcare costs in the US are colossal administrative costs, to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars! Big data could help support big cost reductions through such implementations as improving the medical coding systems and handling supply logistics.
  3. Improving workflows/communication: A fascinating use case for this comes from an article by Healthcare Financial Management Association where data used by a hospital system in Illinois has helped automate doctors’ notes, generate auto-fill referral letters and prompt surgeons in their decision making.

Big data has an impact in every industry, and if you’re on top of the game, you can be a leader in digital innovation, instead of a responder to digital disruption. If these are your top strategies as well, but you’re not sure the best route for implementing them, we are here to help!


The areas of big data management are expected to grow at double the rate of IT growth!


Get this: Gartner predicts that 3.33 billion things will be connected in smart cities by 2018!