Upper Level Management: Get Savvy About Privacy Settings To Protect Mobile Devices

Insights From ORAM Corporate Advisors

Bookmark this page to learn more about technology for business.Do you know how to manage your smartphone, laptops and tablets to protect yourself from hackers? And perhaps more importantly: Do you have policies in place for your employees using mobile devices to protect company data?Here at Oram Corporate Advisors, we provide solid tech expertise to help organizations set effective, secure IT policies. During National Cyber Security Awareness Month this October, it’s a good time to brush up on the latest need-to-know info about how to protect your privacy and data – especially if you have employees working remotely, or with their own private tech devices. Here are some important best practices you’ll want to pass along.Password protect all of your mobile devices – especially those used to work remotely. Don’t stay logged into email or other accounts on your smartphone if you’re not password protected. A lost or stolen phone could grant easy access to all of your information.Use HTTPS on every website to encrypt all of the information sent by your browser from your device to websites.For employees who log into office accounts remotely, make it mandatory to use two-step authentication password protection.Turn off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth settings when you’re working from public places. Hackers can spoof local networks, and trick your phone into connecting to their own (fake) Wi-Fi hotspots.Set company policies to limit which sites, files, accounts and data can be accessed remotely. You can also limit access based on employee position. This can be a critical step to comply with federal privacy laws. (For example, the HIPAA Privacy Rule that governs access to medical records and patient information.)For more information about setting good tech policies for employees working on their own mobile devices, get in touch with us at Oram Corporate Advisors.


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Tips for National Cyber Security Awareness Month