Transform your business into a digital organization

51391425 - young businessman sitting on cloud with mobile phone in handsCompTIA conducted a study on Digital Organizations to understand the changes in the business world brought on by cloud and mobile computing. One of the sections of the Digital Organizations report highlights the differences between traditional companies and those that are digital organizations. The chart from that report includes these business processes: web presence, communications, contract routing, infrastructure, security and automation. So we’ve included some great information about how your business can move into the Digital Organization lane in these areas!Responsive, mobile optimized siteA study conducted a few years ago by BaseKit found that 91% of small businesses do not have websites optimized for mobile users. Then, just last year, another study was conducted and found that 40% do not have mobile-optimized sites. That’s some good improvement in two years but still means close to half do not! We’ve found that it’s a question where we aren’t always certain of the answer. Is your site optimized or not? Maybe it looks okay to you, but is everything working correctly? Google has an excellent tool to test if your site is mobile-friendly. And it’s free! Click through to their Mobile-Friendly Test to check your site.

Unified communications platform

Did you know that you can integrate most or all of your business’s communication? Unified communication can provide a consistent user interface for your business across multiple devices with a number of services such as chat, voice/VOIP, web conferencing, desktop sharing, voicemail and email. One example of the benefits of this would be accessing voicemail messages through email or a cell phone. The goal is to optimize your processes in order to increase the productivity of team members. A first step for your business may be to integrate with a CRM such as, or to roll out a product such as Cisco Spark. We are partners with both of these organizations and can help you determine which is the best fit for you.

E-signature application

If you’re still dealing with paper trails because of signature requirements, it’s good to know that there are lots of tools to choose from for electronically signing and sending documentation. Options range from free tools for a low demand, to well-known tools used by many businesses such as DocuSign or Adobe Sign. Many of these apps even integrate into other services your business may be using, such as Salesforce.

Hybrid approach

The area most impacted by the rise of cloud and mobile technology is infrastructure. Businesses can purchase greater economy for backend demands through the cloud. Read up about our managed network services. We understand that your infrastructure is the foundation of your business because it houses your most critical data and supports your daily workflow. We can provide custom services and cloud solutions.

Use of new tools (DLP/IAM), processes and education

When moving to cloud and mobile technology, it’s important to update security, too. Today, businesses need a plan for cybersecurity that includes multiple approaches such as Data Loss Prevention (DLP), Identity and Access Management (IAM) and employee education. We’ve previously stressed the importance of training your employees as well as ensuring you have a protection plan in place for your data. Have you reviewed your cybersecurity plan lately?You want the competitive edge for your business. Make this year the year that you move into the Digital Organization column. We’d love to help you!


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