This Week in Breach: American Consumers


American consumers: Online users in the United States

Risk to Small Business: Severe:A malvertising campaign by the eGobbler group targeting U.S. users was launched over Presidents Day weekend, February 16-18, garnering some 800 million impressions. Those who clicked on the ads were redirected to a wide range of phishing sites that attempted to trick consumers to enter personal details, including financial information.

Individual Risk: Moderate: Cybercriminals can use the information collected to conduct spear phishing email campaigns or they can sell the stolen credentials on the Dark Web to other criminals.

Customers Impacted: Unknown

How it Could Affect Your Customers’ Business: Malvertising campaigns can expose sensitive customer and employee data, or cause mistrust in websites hosting the infected ads leading to brand erosion and customer churn.

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In Other News

The U.K. has seen its first group litigation case concerning data breach, and the organization in question, the supermarket chain Morrisons, was found vicariously liable for the actions of one of its employees.

A disgruntled employee posted a file on a file-sharing website that included data on nearly 100,000 of his colleagues. That employee was found guilty of several charges related to the incident, including fraud and gaining unauthorized access to computer materials, and sentenced to eight years in prison.

Then 5,518 of the individuals whose personal data was published sued Morrisons. In this class-action-type suit, Morrisons — which was determined to have been compliant with data security laws at the time — was found vicariously liable for its rogue employee’s actions. It now faces large compensation costs.

Notable not only for being the first of its kind around data breach in the U.K., this case is also interesting for setting a high standard of responsibility among companies for their employees’ actions. As data breaches increase in both frequency and scope in Europe, those affected by them are likely to look to class-action claims under the provisions of the GDPR, which gives data subjects’ more rights and increases defendants’ penalties.

A side note: Similar claims but concerning nonmaterial damage like emotional distress may be enabled by the GDPR and the Irish Data Protection Act 2018 to be brought to Irish courts.

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