Scam of the Week: Unsecured Security App
Blog, Cybersecurity Blog, Cybersecurity

Scam of the Week: Unsecured Security App

In this week’s scam, cybercriminals are spreading malware by using a fake security app. They send you a text message that says a large financial transaction has just occurred using your bank account. It instructs you to call a phone number if you have not authorized the transaction. Of course, the transaction never occurred, and the cybercriminals are trying to scare you into acting impulsively.

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Scam of the Week: Fake Financial File Phishing

Scam of the Week: Fake Financial File Phishing

In a recent phishing email scam, cybercriminals use vague financial terms that attempt to make you curious enough to click the attachment in the email. The subject of the email is “Remittance Summary,” and the malicious attachment is named “Payment Advice.” The body of the email only says, “Find attached payment advice for remittance.. Kindly revert.” The sender of the email appears to be legitimate, but it is actually sent from a fake sender address. If you download the PDF file, the malware will begin installing on your computer.

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SCAM OF THE WEEK: Post-Shopping Scams
Blog, Cybersecurity Blog, Cybersecurity

SCAM OF THE WEEK: Post-Shopping Scams

Have you finished your holiday shopping yet? Because cybercriminals are just getting started. There are thousands of shopping-themed scams this time of year, but those scams don’t end when your cart is empty. Cybercriminals continue to target shoppers with urgent phishing emails about their recent purchases.

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SCAM OF THE WEEK: Unbottling the Soda Phish
Blog, Cybersecurity Blog, Cybersecurity

SCAM OF THE WEEK: Unbottling the Soda Phish

A recent phishing scam discovered by INKY researchers is an example of how well-known name brands can be used to deceive unsuspecting users. This scam begins with a seemingly harmless email from an employee at PepsiCo requesting a quote to purchase something your organization is selling and includes a malicious file attachment disguised as a Request for Quote (RFQ). An RFQ is a simple way for an organization to ask different suppliers how much they would charge for a specific good or service.

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Beware of This Microsoft Teams Phishing Campaign
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Beware of This Microsoft Teams Phishing Campaign

Many people trust the contacts in their Microsoft Teams profiles and may immediately click any link they receive from what they think is a trusted contact. Hackers can exploit this trust by developing profiles almost identical to departments within their targets’ employment framework. Using these compromised accounts, hackers can send malicious software and put your business at risk.

A new Microsoft Teams phishing campaign uses social engineering to manipulate users into downloading a malicious attachment.

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Staying Safe from Phishing Scams
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Staying Safe from Phishing Scams

Hackers steal personal information from people who are vulnerable by making fake websites and sending phishing emails. If you fall for a phishing scam, private information like your credit card number could fall into the wrong hands. You can protect yourself from hackers in several ways, which is good news. 

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How To Stay Safe and Secure From VPN Security Threats
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How To Stay Safe and Secure From VPN Security Threats

Virtual private networks (VPNs) offer a safe path through the digital landscape. VPNs make a secure tunnel that encodes your information. This encryption protects details like what websites you visit or which apps you use. However, recent reports have shown that some VPNs need to be safer.

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Discovering the Hidden Threat of Fileless Malware
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Discovering the Hidden Threat of Fileless Malware

What comes to mind when you hear the word malware? Most people may think of phishing messages containing malicious files. Once you download those files to your computer, they infect the entire system with a virus, making it impossible to use your computer. 

While this type of cyber-attack is dangerous, there is another form of malware you need to be aware of. This guide provides an in-depth look at the threat of fileless malware and what you can do to protect yourself.

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