Six Technology Upgrades That Are Essential For Business

19339117_SIs your organization ready to be competitive in the marketplace? Increasingly, tech expertise and management is essential to stay connected – and maintain a good reputation in all industries. If you don’t know where to begin to update or manage your tech systems, we’ve put together a list that will help you prioritize.More organizations are adopting the following best tech practices (and outsourcing for IT support) in the following areas to stay competitive:1) Big Data: Making use of the correct methods to gather and use tech data can give companies a competitive edge. Data storage has become inexpensive enough that it’s becoming a part of normal business operations to store, collect, and interpret the information that can help you make better decisions.2) Online Customer Interfacing: No matter the size of your organization, it’s essential to have a user-friendly website available. In fact, right now most small and mid-size organizations are scrambling to increase their online presence, as consumers demand greater availability. For example, this startup is capitalizing off of the demand to bring scheduling services online for small businesses.3) Cloud Migration: You can no longer afford to ignore the cloud. Beyond the obvious benefits of increased storage and mobility, migrating to the cloud provides you with a data backup plan in case of system glitches, hacks, or hardware trouble.4) Emphasis on Increased Security: Did you read about the recent GitHub goof? They stored a sensitive database key on a public page, and are now suffering a hit to their reputation. Privacy, security, and data management is a central issue with consumers and savvy business folks aware of the increased danger of data theft. You must have solid IT security policies and practices in place to protect yourself and the reputation of your organization.5) Hardware Management: Do you have someone on staff with the expertise to manage your servers? What about your computers and other mobile devices? At the very least, do you know how to properly dispose of older equipment? As times change, you need to expertise to keep up with local laws, best practices, and more to manage your daily operations.6) VoIP: It’s likely that very soon, most people will be migrating to Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) for their telephone service. There are so many benefits to your budget, mobility, and availability.Bonus Tip: If you don't have someone on staff to handle these upgrades, or just need to ask questions and learn more, please don't hesitate to get in touch. Outsourced IT is a great way to support your existing tech systems, and manage new projects. Let us know if there's anything we can do for you! 


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