Project management tips for cloud software projects

35288636_SCloud services and software have opened up a new world of tech for businesses large and small by providing outsourced tools for everything from customer management to database hosting. When working on cloud implementation, it’s important to remember that project management is still a very important infrastructure needed! Follow these 5 tips to help you roll out your new tech well.

  1. Have a project manager. Whether this person actually lists the title on their resume or it’s somebody filling the role for the project, having a single point of contact is important. When team members are guessing or spending time hunting down the right department, job title, or person with the company knowledge, time is lost and communication breaks down. A project manager also plays an important role as the go-to person for the vendor.
  2. Clearly define the scope. As cloud software becomes more mainstream and more businesses put critical infrastructure into the cloud, complexity increases. Project management has proven that bigger projects require upfront planning to succeed. Take the time to clearly define the scope at the beginning so you have the right foundation to begin.
  3. Plan for security upfront. Cyber security is an absolute must have, not a box to remember to check at the end before you roll out to production. If you begin with security in mind as you are planning, your implementation will be better, and you’ll give yourself peace of mind about the safety of your vital business data.
  4. Map your framework. The more complex, the more important it is to keep track of how databases map, where and when data gets sent or received, who has what rights and privileges, what procedures are automated, and more. Can you write it down? Is it recorded? If not, get it done and spend time with your vendor reviewing it to make sure it’s an accurate representation of the environments.
  5. Retrospect as you go to keep the predictability and transparency going throughout the project. Start with the right foundation; then continually ask about how to improve as the project moves along and make those improvements. Scheduling formal meetings throughout to check in has a big impact on project success. Routinely ask questions, such as “What’s going well?”, “Where do we need improvement?”, and “What’s one specific thing we can do this week to address a needed improvement?” If you include a little recognition in those retrospectives of team members that are leading the way in project success, it will create an awesome, positive environment. Share the love!

Just like other technology deployments, cloud deployments need the right framework of project management to succeed. Take our helpful tips, combine them with the appropriate PM methodology, and you’ll be on your way to seeing the return on your cloud investment that you’re excited for.


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