How to shine as a digital workplace

45584284_SThe consumer marketplace is full of engaging, highly downloaded apps that aid users in their personal lives with everything from calendars to music to games to social media. Our personal lives are full of sophisticated apps that we engage with frequently.What about those business apps?Are your enterprise tools pushing content one-way instead of supporting and fostering multi-directional engagement between all employees?Try these 4 tips for creating a vibrant digital workplace:

  1. Change your intranet. We often see that organizations view their intranet as an online bulletin board for posting business announcements. You’ve spent valuable time crafting the message and employing somebody to publish the pages, but your employees aren’t visiting. Switch to a more interactive solution! How can your intranet mirror your corporate culture? A different solution will work best for each individual business. You could start with gathering feedback through an employee survey. Create focus groups for continual improvement. Make updates consistently and adequately spaced to find the fit that works best for how often to do them without creating information overload. Remember to include humor, like videos or memes, and include all employees in content creation.
  2. Provide employees with the ability to use an enterprise search. From within such a collaboration hub, employees can ideally access data across systems, saving time and money spent looking for information. If you roll out with an awesome service, it can aggregate data for you, analyze work patterns and rank content so that with more and more use, it becomes a better and better tool.
  3. Update user interfaces. Dump the old business apps because UIs are clunky and time consuming. It’s an investment that will quickly pay back as employees can more easily accomplish tasks and streamline their work.
  4. Provide access beyond the desktop. Today’s employees are mobile. Support your workforce’s desire to work when and where they want. When you do so, it’s proven that people will be more committed and put in more time. Roll out an enterprise-ready mobile experience for your committed staff today.

We’d love to help you become the digital workplace you know you can be. Contact us today, and we’ll provide a free assessment to help you get the ball rolling.


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